CHJ Technologies organised "Defending Smart Nation" - Protect & Monitor Your e-Assets which took place this year on 25th August 2017 at Fairmont Hotel in Singapore. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this conference. This year, the by-invite only cyber security conference captured the interest of 95 guests from 52 companies and organisations, including government ministries and statutory boards, financial institutions, law enforcement agencies, maritime and telecommunications companies.
Linus Choo, Managing Director of CHJ Technologies opened the conference by inviting three distinguished speakers - Wong Onn Chee, Singapore Chapter Lead of OWASP, Jag Bains, CTO of DOSarrest, and Ben Ouano, Director of Product Development from InfoArmor. The three sessions focused on pertinent and evolving cyber security threats and proactive security measures.
Overall, the conference received positive responses. Lessons Learned from The Dark Web was one session which captured the interest of many. Ben Ouano provided insights and added that ‘following bad actor movement and attribution is necessary to maintain a strong defensive posture’, highlighting the difference between ‘monitoring the dark web versus actual bad actor engagement’.
The conference ended with a lunch and networking session where guests and speakers were able to discuss and share cyber security insights and knowledge. As we move towards a Smart Nation, the conference allowed cyber security professionals an important opportunity and platform to engage and connect, and to further understand how organisations can further strengthen their cyber security posture and protect and monitor their e-assets.
to contact us if you have any feedback or enquiries.